What was the inspiration behind the song ‘Running Free’? George, my beloved mongrel stray! Learn a bit more about this remarkable companion, and a song I have recorded twice, in the second edition of ‘Behind the Song’. ‘Running Free’...
Latest News Tom at Ronnie Scott’s. March 17th 2019
Monday, February 18th, 2019LATEST…Tom at Ronnie Scott’s. https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/performances/view/5093-ronnie-scotts-blues-explosion 2019, A Bang not a Whisper Welcome to Tom’s irregular musical musings Ronnie Scott’s in London, 17th March and its sold out! Please Share this link on social media if you so wish… https://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/performances/view/5093-ronnie-scotts-blues-explosion Back to the Newsletter….Calm Tom, Calm.. Something always grabs me about (what I think […]...
Inspiring Lives book.
Wednesday, March 7th, 2018Inspiring Lives Book.. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to be in this book – so I asked myself why? (Here’s my answer) I’m just a bloke who had this spinal injury 43 years ago. I’m not a hero, I’m a musician; I work in an area where my disability is, since I got a […]...
Autumn 2017
Friday, August 11th, 2017I’m sure I saw Toulouse Lautrec leaving a farm cafe on a push bike near Ness Gardens last week. Interesting chap Toulouse. He couldn’t ride a bike due to his disabilities, but he became obsessed with spectating at the boom sport of the 1890s – cycle racing. I may come back to Toulouse later. I’ll see […]...
September 2015 Update
Saturday, October 3rd, 2015upcoming gigs and music (see my gigs page for full details: https://www.tomdoughty.com/gigs Catch me this Saturday and Sunday at Fleetwood Folk and Blues Festival A few private gigs in October; Wednesday 11th November – Wirral Guitar Festival Friday 13th November: Masterclass at Salford University. CD When i’m not gigging i’ll be finishing CD number 5, which I intend to release early […]...
Spring 2015
Saturday, March 28th, 2015My computer avoidance skills have been in great form since the last update almost a year ago, but this morning I had a good shower, change of clothes, bit of Mum Rollette, some egg on toast and I thought it was about time….A lot has happened. Sheep and Lambs have just arrived in the field outside […]...
Summer 2014
Monday, June 9th, 2014Its all been…….kicking off (I can’t stand football) Everything else, of course is extremely regular in these parts. Now then; There’s been stuff happening. Some of which will tie in seamlessly from my last update and some other stuff (like the knife incident and the European Ambassadors), that won’t. We bought a tour bus, the […]...
Update January 2014
Thursday, January 9th, 2014How quickly 8 months can pass since my last newsletter...