Latest News Tom at Ronnie Scott’s.  March 17th 2019

LATEST…Tom at Ronnie Scott’s.



2019, A Bang not a Whisper

Welcome to Tom’s irregular musical musings

Ronnie Scott’s in London, 17th March and its sold out! Please Share this link on social media if you so wish…

Back to the Newsletter….Calm Tom, Calm..
Something always grabs me about (what I think is) good music and I keep discovering more. It helps to confirm my belief that standards and abilities continue to improve and us musicians all have our unique individual stamp, even in the well trodden pathways of familiar songs. As an example, Eleanor Rigby – I love this song – have recorded it and played it live, always differently, perhaps a thousand times. Just a few weeks ago I discovered this and was moved this wonderful performance recorded in Josh Turner’s bedroom.
There’s something about the fragility of his voice, the concentration and his sublime understated playing. A few beautiful, unexpected sparse chords, wonderful damped bass line. Anyway, it got me!..That’s one of the things about making music; we can communicate ourselves through our art. For me its life-long learning and all those facets, strengths and weakness that make me who I am, come through my music and into the air. More than that, my physical limitations enable, no force me to be creative, resourceful and to think out of the box…
That is, on the rare occasions that I get it right !

Here’s what Frank is doing as I write this: We think he’s about 15 now and he’s been with me since his rescue from the streets of Kilkenny sometime in 2004. Quite beautiful in his old age; living in the moment, knows what it’s like to be free…

It has gotten a bit busy. In April last year The Bridgewater Hall in Manchester asked if I would play at Clive Ogden’s International Guitar Weekend. A pleasure an honour indeed. A lovely gig.
The Bridgewater also asked if I would like to provide another teaching workshop and concert tour of all the UK Spinal Injuries Centres – similar to the one I completed in 2012, funded by themselves! Surprised and somewhat humbled, I immediately agreed and the project is about to start, in March and will continue until September or so. Our plan is to visit one centre each week or so. The music industry and a charity called Creative United have been fantastic in supporting me with equipment, funding, PR and marketing. It will be a lot of work, but also a pleasure and a contribution back into music and the lives of those people who have recently had a Spinal Injury. Here’s a link to an article about it. (thanks to Kevin Bourke for his journalism)

Recent Gigs.
My recent philosophy on work, rest and play has been:-
Just go with it Tom, just go with it.
To this aim I’m not actively looking for work. I am so lucky that I am able to make such a choice (and thankful for good fortitude and health). – I take what’s offered and that usually suits me just fine.

Upcoming Gigs
27th February. – with The Paraorchestra at Birmingham Town Hall: Terry Riley’s ‘In C’ – An improvised small orchestral piece by the LSD inspired 1960s alternative classical composer….Yeah man!

17th March – Solo at Ronnie

Scott’s, Soho, London

2nd April – @2pm. Nantwich Jazz and Blues Festival. (with Dan Logan, percussion).

We recently saw a performance by Klezmer-ish; wonderful music of (mostly Eastern-European) travelling people….and Matt Waddsworth…Here’s Matt and a duet we recorded in celebration of the birth of his first child. It’s called ‘Almost Naomi’


Here’s a snapshot of where I’ve been.

See you Soon