Posts Tagged ‘National Guitar’

‘Journeyman Blues’

Friday, January 3rd, 2020

I've recorded 'Journeyman Blues' twice: once as a solo effort and once with a rhythm sections thanks to the generosity of Bruce Dickinson....

‘Running Free’

Tuesday, December 10th, 2019

There’s something appealing about lyrics that are in direct contrast to the melody. One can be tight and forced, the other free and flowing; or one is happy and bouncy, while the other is sombre and serious. ‘Running Free’, the title track of my second album, feels just like that. Now, while I don’t want […]...

Introducing…the ‘Behind the Song’ Archive

Friday, November 22nd, 2019

I’ve started a new section on the website – ‘Behind the Song‘. The idea is to give you a little more insight into the processes, stories and inspirations that go into a song. First to go under the doctor’s scalpel is the first track on my most recent album, a song called “Milky Tea”. Find […]...

‘Milky Tea’

Thursday, November 21st, 2019

Learn more about the originals of 'Milky Tea', the first song off Tom's latest album, "Can't Teach an Old Dog"....